Greenfluencer – innovative green communication MOOC – Autumn 2022 / Summer 2023
The GreenCool partnership developed the ‘Greenfluencer innovative green communication’ MOOC, that includes 5 Modules: Module 1 is about the introduction to soil biodiversity and circular and creative communication with symbols. Module 2 is on the key concepts and fundamentals of the following communication and speech delivery techniques: blogging, elevator pitch, Pecha Kucha, Oxford debate and TEDx talk and also the essential elements of the following green issues: zero waste, food waste, bioeconomy, precision economy and circular economy. Module 3 is about digital video crafting on social responsibility and responsible consumption. Module 4 is about sustainable living, fashion and the way you craft your story by persuasion. Module 5 is on creative communication by arts and smart mobility.
The MOOC is available in English in Moodle of the University of Tartu (https://moodle.ut.ee/course/).
In each sections there is a Knowledge part with introduction to the given communication- presentation method and some basics of the given green issue. In the Inspiration part you will see examples combined with some exercises. Finally in the Action part you can practice by combining the learnt communication techniques with the green issues.
3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Athens – March 2023
We held the third transnational project meeting on 9-10th March, 2023. The meeting was organised in Athens, Greece by Militos Consulting S.A. with with the in-person participation of all partners (University of Pannonia, Hungary; Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania; West University of Timisoara, Romania; University of Tartu, Estonia, Militos Consulting S.A., Greece).
The project team went through the main points of the progress report; financial, dissemination and management issues were discussed, and any problems arising were discussed on the basis of the Q&A report. The overall process and the main stages of the professional implementation were reviewed with particular emphasis on the finalization of the second project results e.g. developing the MOOC, communication and green parts in all Modules; and the preparation of the GreenCool Summer Workshop and the Blended ECoC Greenfluencer pilot course (national level).
GreenCool Summer Workshop – June 2023
The University of Pannonia organised the GreenCool Summer Workshop with lecturers, experts, students and influencers to develop the GreenCool training material at Lake Balaton (Nereus Park Hotel, Hungary) in the last week of June 2023.
The summer workshop was part of the MOOC development therefore aimed to provide a platform to stakeholders (influencers, lecturers and experts) to discuss how to build up the course material for teaching purposes (combination of online and class-room teaching) and also for the interactive online platform that will be available for everyone. There were 2 lectures/experts from each university and 1 expert from Militos (altogether 9), and 2 students/influencers from each universities (altogether 8). During the 5-day training the lecturers, experts, influencers and university students worked both in mixed and separate groups/pairs or individually to decide the best way to finalize and try out the MOOC material (on the basis 1 day 1 Module). Through training, we help volunteer university students/influencers how to shape the attitudes of communities towards sustainable development. Feedback was also collected from both students and trainers through on-site observers at the end of each module, as well as through an online QA questionnaire at the end of the entire workshop. The main idea was to find out if the material was feasible for them.
Blended ECoC Greenfluencer pilot course (national level) – Autumn/Winter 2023
After the MOOC course development in 2023 September, Blended ECoC Greenfluencer pilot course (blended learning: online lessons and offline classroom lessons) at national level in the national language at four European Capital of Culture Universities (Tartu, Kaunas, Timisoara and Veszprém) will start. The aim of the course is to develop individual opinions on green topics based on the course content and to implement an individual, pair or group project on a green topic by participating in an event using a communication tool of your choice. The seminar is informative, interactive, provocative and practical. The methodology of the course is blended, which means that in addition to the online learning modules (for which 1 credit), a presentation/activity must be completed (2 credits).
Local ECoC GreenCool events – Winter 2023
The outcome of the national Greenfluencer pilot course is a participation in a GreenCool ECoC event/festival in November-December 2023, where students can try and test their knowledge and influence audience offline in all ECoC cities.
This project (n° 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027563) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.