First milestone – Spring/Summer 2022
GreenCool Partnership reviewed hundreds articles, best practices and case studies, conducted more than 700 questionnaire surveys with students, young adults and influencers, organised numerous focus-group interviews in the partner ECoC cities and developed the Greenfluence Practice Collection and Research (the full report is available on GreenCool website:
The aim of the secondary and primary analyses was to gather information about youth knowledge and attitude on two main issues: social media (following and using) especially focusing on influencers and green-related topics.
Based on the research outcomes, the following 12 communication techniques and 12 green issues were suggested to be included in the ECoC Greenfluencer course:
- Communication techniques and structure of discourse: Storytelling on and offline; Blogging/glossary writing; Short film, video (You Tube, TikTok); Instagram, TikTok techniques offline-acting; How to create powerful picture content; Elevator pitch; Pecha Kucha; Oxford debate; TED talk; Gamification; Creative and circular communication; Round-table discussion.
- Green topics: Nutrition and food-waste; Sustainable fashion; Urban lifestyles, sustainable public living; Responsible consumption: small household habits, individual’s responsibility; Energy saving and alternative energy: air and water quality and quantity; Collective social responsibility: individuals, companies and institutions; Critical recycling techniques, waste management and circular economy; Climate-phobia and anxiety; Greenwashing and ethical thinking; Green mobility.
VII Green Student Parliament in Veszprém – April 2022
The GreenCool project was presented at the VII Green Student Parliament (Veszprém, Hungary) for secondary school students organised by the Bakony-Balaton Environmental Education Centre Association (BaBaKo) and we even involved almost hundred students in GreenCool research.
Podcast channel and GreenCool website – Spring/Summer 2022
If you don’t have a favourite podcast channel yet, we are happy to recommend one: GreenCool is now available on Spotify:
You can tune in to the results and get up-to-date information on the GreenCool website:
2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Tartu – September 2022
We held the second transnational project meeting on 28-29th September, 2022. The meeting was organised in Tartu, Estonia by the University of Tartu. Four Partners on the spot (University of Pannonia, Hungary; Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania; West University of Timisoara, Romania; University of Tartu, Estonia) and one Partner online (Militos Consulting S.A., Greece) from five different countries discussed besides financial, dissemination, Q&A and management issues the overall process and the main milestones of the project but with particular emphasis on the preparation for the second project results e.g. developing the MOOC, course curriculum-design, modules, communication and green topics, development of two platforms.
UNeECC Annual Conference 2022 – October 2022
It was such a big pleasure for GreenCool Team to take part in the UNeECC Annual Conference 2022 titled “Culture and Nature – Partners in Dialogue” at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania on 5-7 October 2022. Next year UNeECC will organise this event in Veszprém, Hungary!
Next steps
Developing the Massive Online Open Course – Autumn 2022/ Spring 2023
ECoC course materials titled ‘Attitude shaping communication techniques and green related topics in the 21st Century’ will be developed via a combination of the learning outcomes of Greenfluence Practice Collection and Research and the previous knowledge of university’s lectures courses and the outcome of the GreenCool Summer workshop methodologies. Communication techniques collected during researches, green-related topics suggested and observed by expert, from case studies, outcome of the survey and focus group interviews summary are analysed before developing the course. Additionally the material will be adjusted to university semester, course organizational and credit requirement. The course will have a guidelines to help lecturers how to use the training material.
The MOOC material will be also available on an interactive, public platform where those interested being other students, lecturers, influencers, green expert can get access. Other, non ECoC universities will have guideline how to use this material for their ECoC courses. In addition the course material will be shared on the School Education Gateway platform as it provides an excellent base for the inclusion of attitude shaping communication techniques for higher education.
This project (n° 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027563) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.